This is the restoration of a 1971 Jeep Corporation M35A2 6x6 2 1/2 Ton 
Turbo Diesel Multi fuel Cargo truck owned and restored by Robert Metayer
October 2000 Before starting
This project began in the Spring of 2001 side cargo racks, troop seats 
and bows have all been replaced
The first base coat of green is being applied to the entire truck. Then the black tiger 
stripes are added in a specific pattern completing the two basic colors of the 3 color
NATO scheme. The third color, brown is added in a low percent of the entire truck
completing the 3 color pattern. 
After the painting was finished the bearings, seals and break wheel cylinders were
removed , inspected, and replaced. New D.O.T and I.C.C. running lights, mirrors,
and rear cargo top are added to complete this restoration.
Above right, The M35A2  driving up Memorial Veterans Boulevard
past the brick Walkway of Names on its way to the 2001 Memorial Day Parade
Bob would like to thank his friends 

Donald Nelson and Doug Duval for all their hard work

on this project